Emma is currently...

  • Addicted to: Fruit and nut mix
  • Listening to: Band of Joy - Robert Plant
  • Reading: Naples '44 - Norman Lewis

Friday 30 April 2010

John Smith. No, not a pint of bitter.

I have been musically enlightened.

Last night I went to the most incredible gig. His name's John Smith - ordinary name, extraordinary performer - and I'd never heard of him before but my friend invited me because she thought I might like him. He's a folk singer and he makes noises with a guitar I didn't think were possible. I sat throughout the whole gig in a kind of trance, practically drooling at how amazing he was. At some point I think I fell in love.

Go here: http://www.myspace.com/johnacousticsmith. Listen. Enjoy. And watch the video of him playing 'Winter', because he manages to play the guitar on his lap like it's a drum while still playing chords and I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW.

I met him afterwards and bought a CD from him which he signed for me. "Thanks Emma. All love, John Smith X." At least that's what I think it says. I can't really read his writing. He asked me if that was Emma spelt in the traditional sense, and I said yes, I don't know how else you'd spell it, and he said no, nor did he. I'm in love. My friend told him that after watching him perform she didn't think she could ever touch her guitar again, to which he purred, "No, no, touch it more..." Sigh.

In other news, Slightly Foxed came today! It's a quarterly full of book reviews, but it doesn't try to be high-brow or too intellectual; it's friendly and personalised and such. I only bought one trial copy but I received two, because the Winter issue got lost in the post so they sent me the Winter and Spring issues to make up for it. It's lovely, like a little book printed on thick creamy paper with a pretty illustrated front cover, and it's really readable. I've been reading all morning. I love getting packages at uni - it makes me feel somehow important. I want to take out a subscription to Slightly Foxed but I can't really afford it, especially since I'm now going to go blow my little remaining money on another John Smith CD. Totally worth it though.

All my essays are done! I'm quite glad I spent almost all of Easter having mental breakdowns over them, because at least I got to have mental breakdowns in the comfort of home with my mum making me constant cups of tea to cheer me up. Now, while everyone else has mental breakdowns at uni, I am going to concerts and reading quarterlies and lazing around doing basically nothing. Although I should probably start revising soon.

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