Emma is currently...

  • Addicted to: Fruit and nut mix
  • Listening to: Band of Joy - Robert Plant
  • Reading: Naples '44 - Norman Lewis

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Odd Moddities

  1. Two of my housemates are now going out. It takes a bit of getting used to. We have gone from being the Single House to the Half Single House. Once upon a time, all eight of the people in our little gang were single. And then there were three... I am feeling so Bridget Jones right now. The other night the three of us got together to bemoan our sad, lonely, single lives. A meeting of the lonely hearts club. I am going to start watching weepy romantic movies in bed while stuffing my face with chocolate and crying quietly to myself. The last time I went on a date was three years ago.
  2. The other night I had a dream that I was the doctor on Embarrassing Bodies. My patient was a girl who was pregnant with a crocodile. I helped her deliver it. I am concerned for my mental health.
  3. I was on the bus the other day when one of my lecturers got on and sat in front of me. The other day he gave us an amazing lecture, which inspired me to write an essay on the topic he was talking about. He's in his twenties, is very tall and very thin, like...a massive toothbrush, has his hair gelled back, and wears giant spectacles, a brown velvet jacket and tweedy trousers that are too short for his sticky legs. He was reading a book and looked nervous. I realised I had a slight crush on him. I've always gone for geeks (well, more geek chic than actual geek) but you know the situation's desperate when you will transfer your need for affection onto almost anyone.
  4. I have completed my essays a week before the deadline, after spending all easter stressing about them, and am now so bored that I find myself voluntarily doing my housemates' washing up. The other day I made spaghetti bolognese from scratch. I am watching daytime repeats of Country House Rescue.
  5. Help me.

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