I would like to apologise.
Lots of my friends have blogs, and reading through them all, they're all interesting or funny or opinionated or just something engaging. No wonder no one reads this thing. It's just struck me how mind-numbingly boring my own blog is. It sounds like an even more mundane equivalent of the Mein Austausch booklet they gave me to fill in when I went on the German exchange in Year Nine. "Describe what you did on MONDAY! What did you have for DINNER?"
No one cares. No one cares that I had a coffee in Covent Garden. It's dull, dull, dull. And no one cares about my essays at all. I don't even care about them so why do I always go on about them? Perhaps I think it makes me sound clever, but really I'm not that clever at all.
So I'm sorry, and I am going to try and be interesting and funny and give my opinion on things more often in the future. It's weird. I think in my writing I'm quite good at being funny and opinionated. At least that's what people tell me. But in real life I have no personality. It's like my writing sucks it all out of me or something, or that I'm incredibly repressed and I can only express myself through fictional situations.
Anyway, to apologise for the undue boredom I have caused you, here is a picture of the pony I made friends with in the New Forest. Naaaaaaaaaaw.

Lots of my friends have blogs, and reading through them all, they're all interesting or funny or opinionated or just something engaging. No wonder no one reads this thing. It's just struck me how mind-numbingly boring my own blog is. It sounds like an even more mundane equivalent of the Mein Austausch booklet they gave me to fill in when I went on the German exchange in Year Nine. "Describe what you did on MONDAY! What did you have for DINNER?"
No one cares. No one cares that I had a coffee in Covent Garden. It's dull, dull, dull. And no one cares about my essays at all. I don't even care about them so why do I always go on about them? Perhaps I think it makes me sound clever, but really I'm not that clever at all.
So I'm sorry, and I am going to try and be interesting and funny and give my opinion on things more often in the future. It's weird. I think in my writing I'm quite good at being funny and opinionated. At least that's what people tell me. But in real life I have no personality. It's like my writing sucks it all out of me or something, or that I'm incredibly repressed and I can only express myself through fictional situations.
Anyway, to apologise for the undue boredom I have caused you, here is a picture of the pony I made friends with in the New Forest. Naaaaaaaaaaw.
I appreciate the horse picture!
Now, i don't want to start our ongoing conversation about how i love your blog...AGAIN so i'll make this short and sweet...well an attempt at short and sweet. I tend to ramble.
a)You have a wonderful personality, please don't change a thing. Your sense of humor is amazing, very sarcastic and not straight foreward.
b)in a world of authors and artists and people, no one is as critical of a person, as that person is of themselves. (unless they have an incredible superiority complex) It's called being modest even though no modest person wants to call themselves modest in fear of being too conceited. But i'm the one calling you modest so it's ok
c)the most interesting people i find, are the people who take an interest in the small things. On the little details instead of the obvious in your face things
d)i think you need to settle down, and have some tea. I hear it has amazing healing properties. =)
I thought you'd appreciate it!
And thank you, you're so nice to me! I do tend to see myself as quite boring and beat myself up about it, because every time I catch up with a friend and they ask me if I have any gossip I'm like, "Er, no..." But I a very glad you don't find me boring!
Yes, TEA. Tea is required. Or I will never finish this essay, ever.
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